DIY Number Cards Matching Game
The great way to introduce numbers to very young children is through matching the same numbers.
Begin with only first three numbers. Depending on the child's interest and progress add more numbers.
Unroll the mat and lay out one set of number cards very carefully placing them from left to right. Put the other set of number cards upside down, and play the knock knock game ( knocking on one card at a time and then matching it with the same number), until all the cards are matched. The adult and the child can take turns or even two children can play together. Putting the cards back in the basket, rolling the mat out and putting the activity back at it's place is important.
Material: A mat, number cards and a basket
Note: To make the number cards simply cut any bristle board or card stock in 5" by 5" square. Write the number directly on the card or attach a small piece of paper to it first to make the writing more visible. Laminating the cards is a good idea which can be done by simply using wide transparent scotch tape, if proper tools not available at home.
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