Flower Arrangement Activity
Putting flowers in the water and arranging each and every stem with care can be very meaningful to children. It teaches them about the care of the environment and at the same time marvel at the beauty of nature. It can be a perfect opputunity, when it's spring/summer time and the flowers are in abundance.
Begin by showing the child how delicate the flowers are, and that there is a proper way to handle them gently, ( Flowers can be precut diagonally before showing the acivity). Depending on the age of the child assisst him/ her to fill water in the vase. Show him/ her how to put each stem individually in the vase filled with water. Once all the stems are arranged in the vase, ask the child to help putting it in appropriate place. Children love doing the avtivities which have a connection to nature.
“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” (Maria Montessori)
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